These are not like times most recall or remember. The electorate seems less and less knowledgeable. People do not have, or make time to be fully up on facts or wider views. It is not easy for those who try to stay informed. The evil use of technology sees to that. Mis, Dis, and outright False information is pervasive. Democracy creates Demagogues


1773: A brief introductory time line.

November 20; Three English ships carrying tea sail into Boston Harbor (Dartmouth; Eleanor; Beaver).

December 16; Disguised as Mohawk Indians colonists -believed led by Samuel Adams -board the ships and dump all 342 containers of tea into the harbor. Samuel Adams then makes his case for independence to his second cousin John Adams and wealthy merchant John Hancock.

Atomisation - The process of splitting people from themselves and their

environment. Jacques Depelchin -The History of Mass Violence.
